1. Kaupunki on täynnä mielettömän kaunista arkkitehtuuria.
2. Vaikka kyseessä on suurkaupunki, pystyy Madridissa helposti liikkumaan kävellen paikasta toiseen.
3. Ja siinä vaiheessa kun jalat ei enää jaksa kantaa, toimii metrokin todella näppärästi
1. The city is full of beautiful architecture
2. Although it is a huge city, you can still easily walk from one place to another
3. And when your feet get tired, the metro works really well

4. Madrid tarjoaa jokaiselle jotakin: kulttuuria, yöelämää, shoppailua...
5. Kaupunki on myös täynnä hyviä ravintoloita, ja Madrid on kuulemma nousemassa oikeaksi gastronomian keskukseksi. Myös kasvisruokailijat ja vegaanit on huomioitu hyvin.
6. Paikalliset ovat lämpimiä ja ystävällisiä
4. There's something for everyone in Madrid: culture, night life, shopping...
5. The city is also full of great restaurants, and apparently Madrid is becoming a real gastronomy hub. Vegetarians and vegans are also well catered to.
6. The locals are warm and friendly

7. Madrid on täynnä puistoja, jotka tarjoaa hyvät ulkoilu- tai vaikkapa picnic-mahdollisuudet.
8. Valokuvattavaa (ja instagrammattavaa) riittää vaikka kuinka paljon! Kuvasipa sitten mieluiten luontoa, arkkitehtuuria tai ihmisiä, niin Madridissa ei varmasti ihan heti lopu kohteet kesken.
7. Madrid is full of parks that provide great opportunities for just spending time outdoors or a picnic for example
8. There's a lot of things to photograph (and instagram!). No matter whether you prefer nature, architecture, or people, in Madrid you definitely don't run out of subjects.

9. Kaikista taskuvarasvaroituksista huolimatta kaupunki tuntuu turvalliselta. Totta kai järki on hyvä pitää päässä, mutta itselläni ainakin oli koko reissun ajan turvallinen olo. Myös yöaikaan!
10. Madrid on todella inspiroiva kaupunki. Upeat rakennukset, kaikki se vehreys, tyylikkäät madridilaiset ja ylipäätään kaupungin ihana fiilis inspiroi vielä reissun jälkeenkin.
9. Despite all the pickpocket warnings, the city feels safe. Of course you should always be careful, but at least I felt really safe throughout the whole trip. Also during nighttime!
10. Madrid is such an inspiring city. The beautiful buildings, all the greenery, stylish locals, and in general the lovely vibe in the city inspires even after leaving the city.

Katso myös 10 asiaa, jotka yllätti mut Madridissa!
See also 10 things that surprised me in Madrid!
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Wow Madrid looks so beautiful! I've never been before, but after reading this post, you've made me want to go! The architecture looks insane - some stunning photos you got! xxx
ReplyDeleteJasmine || http://www.blogsallbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk
From now on I'm definitely going to recommend Madrid for everyone, it is such a beautiful city! And the architecture truly looks amazing ♥︎ xx
DeleteAh, Madrid looks so pretty! It's on my travel bucket list and I'm hoping to go sometime soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you're going to love it! Hope that you'll get to tick Madrid off the list soon :) xx
DeleteI completely agree, I think Madrid and just Spain in general is such a beautiful place that pretty much anyone would enjoy. I felt really safe there too, I found Spanish people to be really lovely :)
ReplyDeleteJulia // The Sunday Mode
Yay, I'm glad you agree with me on these :) If that's not enough reasons to visit Madrid (and Spain) I don't know what is! xx
DeleteOoooooo Madrid does look absolutely gorgeous! I do love a city that's full of good photo locations, and it looks like Madrid certainly has many! I love that it caters well for veggies and vegans too, as I'm a veggie/borderline vegan! Thanks for the recommendation, lovely! Xx
So happy that you found the post and recommendation helpful, I think Madrid definitely is a city that everyone should visit sometime! xx