Kuulumisten vaihtoa ja kahvittelua Seb & Mili -kahvilassa. Mun tulee nykyään tosi harvoin lähdettyä West Endiin täällä Glasgow'ssa, joten oli super kiva käydä pitkästä aikaa silläkin suunnalla kaupunkia.
Kevään ensimmäinen kukkakimppuostos - check ✔ Meillä oli aina kotona nimenomaan tulppaaneja keväisin, ja ne onkin mulle aina kevään merkki. Iso suositus muuten Lidlin kukkakimpuille, pysyi hyvänä about viikon verran ja hintaa oli alle kaksi puntaa!
Catch up and coffee in Seb & Mili. I don't tend to go to the West End / Finnieston side of Glasgow that often anymore, so it was super nice to head that way for a change.
First flower bouquet of the Spring season - check ✔️ We used to always have tulips at home during spring time, and so tulips are a definite sign of spring for me because of that. A huge recommendation to the Lidl bouquet by the way, lasted for approximately a week and the price is under £2!
Catch up and coffee in Seb & Mili. I don't tend to go to the West End / Finnieston side of Glasgow that often anymore, so it was super nice to head that way for a change.
First flower bouquet of the Spring season - check ✔️ We used to always have tulips at home during spring time, and so tulips are a definite sign of spring for me because of that. A huge recommendation to the Lidl bouquet by the way, lasted for approximately a week and the price is under £2!

Uuden Slange Var -juoman lanseeraustapahtumassa päästiin itse sekoittelemaan cokctaileja ja mocktaileja. Meillä oli Paulan kanssa selvästi toi sheikkaus hallussa.
At the launch event of the new Slange Var drink we had the opportunity to have a go at making cocktails and mocktails. Paula and I clearly nailed that shaking part.

Klassisempaa komboa saa hakea - ei ole nimittäin perinteisen valkoisten paidan ja sinisten farkkujen voittanutta!
Oon löytänyt ihan mun suosikkijoogastudion! Hotpod Yoga on nimensä mukaisesti hot joogaa hauskassa liilana hohtavassa 'podissa', ja Glasgow'n studion perustaja ja yksi ohjaajista on itse asiassa myöskin Suomesta.
I dare you to name a more classic combo - nothing beats a good old white shirt with blue denim jeans!
I've found my favourite yoga studio! Hotpod Yoga is, as the name would suggest, hot yoga done inside a pod, and actually the Glasgow studio founder who also teaches a lot of the classes is a fellow Finn.
I dare you to name a more classic combo - nothing beats a good old white shirt with blue denim jeans!
I've found my favourite yoga studio! Hotpod Yoga is, as the name would suggest, hot yoga done inside a pod, and actually the Glasgow studio founder who also teaches a lot of the classes is a fellow Finn.

Tutustumassa Essence of Harris -merkin mielettömiltä tuoksuviin tuotteisiin. Omaksi suosikiksesi nousi tuo Pink Champagne and Pomelo.
Learning about the Essence of Harris products that smell absolutely incredible. My personal favourite was that Pink Champagne and Pomelo scent.
Learning about the Essence of Harris products that smell absolutely incredible. My personal favourite was that Pink Champagne and Pomelo scent.

Kahvit vielä nätisti kupeissa... ennen kuin ne sitten hetken päästä olikin mun sylissä.
When the coffee was still nicely inside the cups... before it was on my white jeans.
When the coffee was still nicely inside the cups... before it was on my white jeans.

Sneak peek vähän keväisemmästä asusta, joka on tulossa blogiin seuraavaksi!
Kerroinkin, että mulla on ollut ongelmia nilkan kanssa, ja se on välillä ollut todella kipeä ja turvonnut. Nyt onneksi jo parempaan päin!
A little sneak peek of the spring look that's coming to the blog next!
I mentioned that I've been having some issues with mu ankle and how it's been really sore and swollen at times. Luckily it's getting better already!

Kävin eräänä keskiviikkoiltapäivänä laittamassa tukan kuntoon Glasgow Central Station -asemalla, jonka keskelle Aussie oli pystyttänyt pop upin päivän ajaksi.
I stopped by the Aussie pop up at Glasgow Central Station one Wednesday afternoon to get some casual mid-week pampering and curls to my hair.
I stopped by the Aussie pop up at Glasgow Central Station one Wednesday afternoon to get some casual mid-week pampering and curls to my hair.

Opinnot on lähteneet ihan kunnolla käyntiin, ja harmikseni erästä tehtävää varten joudutaan taas tekemään hieman CAD-hommia. Computer Aided Design ei nimittäin todellakaan ole mun suosikki!
Iltapäiväkahvit Marimekon lempparimukista, jonka ihanat Inka ja Henna toi mulle viime syksynä. Kiitos tytöt, tää on käytössä ihan päivittäin!
The new semester has started with a bang, and to my annoyance it has also meant doing CAD work. Let's just say that computer aided design is definitely not my favourite!
Afternoon coffee moment at home from my favourite Marimekko mug that the lovely Inka and Henna brought me last autumn. Thanks gals, this is honestly in use on an everyday basis!
The new semester has started with a bang, and to my annoyance it has also meant doing CAD work. Let's just say that computer aided design is definitely not my favourite!
Afternoon coffee moment at home from my favourite Marimekko mug that the lovely Inka and Henna brought me last autumn. Thanks gals, this is honestly in use on an everyday basis!

Ystäväni kissa oli ilmeisen kiinnostunut juomapullostani, ja jaksoi ihmetellä sitä pidemmän tovin.
Jostain syystä Facebook on tyrkyttänyt mulle parina viime viikkona ilmaisen T2 matcha-tee tarjouksen, eli matcha maanantait on piristäneet iltapäiviä. Uusi tarjous tuli itse asiassa taas eilen FB-feedillä vastaan, joten matchaa luvassa taas ensi viikolla!
My friend's cat clearly found my water bottle extremely amusing.
These past couple of weeks Facebook has targeted free T2 matcha offers for me, so matcha mondays have been the saviour of my afternoons. And I actually just saved another one of these offers that popped to my FB feed yesterday, so it's time for another matcha next week!
My friend's cat clearly found my water bottle extremely amusing.
These past couple of weeks Facebook has targeted free T2 matcha offers for me, so matcha mondays have been the saviour of my afternoons. And I actually just saved another one of these offers that popped to my FB feed yesterday, so it's time for another matcha next week!

Viime viikonlopun brunssimeininkejä MalaCarne -kahvilassa. Vegaaniset superherkulliset pannarit ja kauracappuccino hyvässä seurassa on ehdottomasti merkki hyvin vietetystä sunnuntaista!
Brunch vibes from last weekend in MaleCarne. The super delicious vegan pancakes and an oat cappuccino in great company are definitely a sign of a Sunday well spent!
Brunch vibes from last weekend in MaleCarne. The super delicious vegan pancakes and an oat cappuccino in great company are definitely a sign of a Sunday well spent!
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