It's that time of the year again - the time to start thinking about graduation dresses! It's been three years since I graduated high school and I've still got two more years to go before I graduate University, but if I did celebrate my graduation this year I'm sure I'd be wearing something like this! Although admittedly I might have been looking at a few dresses with my brother's school graduation in mind... ;)

Kuten huomaa, hempeät vaaleat värit, siistit leikkaukset ja pitsi puhuttelee itseäni kevään juhlapukeutumisen osalta. Toisaalta mitkä jutut sopisivatkaan paremmin loppukevään ja alkukesän juhlintoihin? Tuo Reissin satiininen paitamekko varasti mun sydämen kyllä ihan täysin ja se olisi myös tavallisesta hieman poikkeava valinta, joka näyttäisi ihan mielettömältä vyöllä ja korkosandaaleilla asustettuna.
Onko siellä ruudun toisella puolella nyt keväällä valmistujaisia juhlivia?
As you can see, light and soft colours, clean cuts and lace are the elements I'm drawn into right now when it comes to occasion wear. But then again, those elements are basically made for the late spring / early summer celebrations. The satiny Reiss shirt dress totally stole my heart and it would definitely be something a little bit different to wear, and it'd look absolutely amazing accessorised with a belt and a pair of heeled sandals.
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