Hello Monday, new week and April! March came, was and went, and overall it was a month of rollercoaster-like ups and downs like no other. Generally speaking however I'm feeling quite positive about the past month, and last weekend together with mum and my little sister was definitely the loveliest way to finish off the month. April will be focused on finishing off the last assignments of the year before it's time to start the summer holiday in a few weeks already. But for now, here's a little glimpse to my month of March as told by the camera roll on my phone!

Vietettiin ystäväni Anun kanssa ihana lauantai-iltapäivä ja ilta ensin kuvatessa, sitten syömässä ja viineillä ja päätettiin ilta The Music of Harry Potter -konsertissa Glasgow Royal Conert Hallissa.
We spent a lovely Saturday afternoon and evening together with my friend Anu by first shooting new content, and then wining and dining before heading to the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall for The Music of Harry Potter concert.
We spent a lovely Saturday afternoon and evening together with my friend Anu by first shooting new content, and then wining and dining before heading to the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall for The Music of Harry Potter concert.

Kaksi kevään lempparitrendiä yhdessä: eläinkuosit ja kuviolliset sukkikset // En yleensä pyöri kauheasti kaupungilla, mutta maaliskuussa tuli pistäydyttyä muutaman kerran kaupoissa tsekkaamassa kaikkia ihania kevään uutuuksia
Two of my favourite spring trends in one: animal prints and patterned tights // I don't tend to stroll around town that much, but in March I did pop in to the shops a few times to check all the lovely new Spring goodies
Two of my favourite spring trends in one: animal prints and patterned tights // I don't tend to stroll around town that much, but in March I did pop in to the shops a few times to check all the lovely new Spring goodies

Maaliskuussa havahduin myös lähinnä haamua muistuttavaan väriini, ja itseruskettavat on taas otettu käyttöön. Nämä Siennan tuotteet sain PR-lahjana testiin ja toistaiseksi ainakin olen ollut tyytyväinen! // Niskaponnari, hiusnauha ja kivat korvikset pelastaa kun tukka on likainen ja pitää saada äkkiä edustuskelpoiseksi
In March I woke up to the realisation how pale my skin is, and so I've been getting back to self tanning again. These Sienna products were kindly gifted to me as a PR sample for me to try, and so far I've been happy with them! // A low ponytail, a hair ribbon and a nice pair of earrings to the rescue when you haven't washed your hair and need to look presentable quick
In March I woke up to the realisation how pale my skin is, and so I've been getting back to self tanning again. These Sienna products were kindly gifted to me as a PR sample for me to try, and so far I've been happy with them! // A low ponytail, a hair ribbon and a nice pair of earrings to the rescue when you haven't washed your hair and need to look presentable quick

Uusien kivojen kahviloiden kokeilu on varmasti yksi mun elämän suurimpia iloja! Tässä kokeilussa Toro Coffee.
One of the best things in life: cute new coffee shop finds! Here trying out Toro Coffee.
One of the best things in life: cute new coffee shop finds! Here trying out Toro Coffee.

Rakastan kerrostettuja kaulakoruja, ja tässä onkin kaikki tän hetken lempparit yhdessä! Helmikoru on PR-lahja Dorothy Perkinsiltä, sormus puolestaan kastesormukseni, ja toiseksi ylin sekä alin riipus ovat yhtä samaa korua, jonka tilasin viime syksynä Asosilta // Kuukauden toinen uusi kahvilakokeilu (Short Long Black) ja moikkaamaan tullut ihana koira-asiakas. Koiraystävällisissä kahviloissa istuskelu on kyllä parasta, ja niitä täältä löytyy paljon!
I love layered necklaces, and here are all of my faves together! The pearl one was a lovely gift from the Dorothy Perkins PR team, the ring one is my christening ring, whereas the lowest and second highest pendants are actually one single necklace that I ordered from Asos last autumn // Another new coffee shop trial of the month (Short Long Black) and a cute hairy customer that came to say hi. I love dog friendly cafes and there really are plenty of those around!
I love layered necklaces, and here are all of my faves together! The pearl one was a lovely gift from the Dorothy Perkins PR team, the ring one is my christening ring, whereas the lowest and second highest pendants are actually one single necklace that I ordered from Asos last autumn // Another new coffee shop trial of the month (Short Long Black) and a cute hairy customer that came to say hi. I love dog friendly cafes and there really are plenty of those around!

Upea auringonlasku joen varrella eräänä iltana joogan jälkeen kotiin kävellessä // Muutamia tän hetken kosmetiikkasuosikkeja. Lumenen True Mystic Volume on kyllä ikilemppari, joka ei koskaan petä!
Gorgeous sunset by the river one evening after walking back home from a yoga class // A few of my current beauty favourites. The Lumene True Mystic Volume mascara is an all-time fave that never fails!
Gorgeous sunset by the river one evening after walking back home from a yoga class // A few of my current beauty favourites. The Lumene True Mystic Volume mascara is an all-time fave that never fails!

The Amsterdam -ravintolan/baarin avajaisissa, jossa päästiin testaamaan paikan drinkki- ja ruokamenua.
At the launch of The Amsterdam restaurant/bar, where we got to try their drink as well as food menu.

Selfieitä tulee nykyisin otettua aika harvoin, mutta kerrankin oli sellanen fiilis ja valo että päätin napata muutaman räpsyn ihan vain naamastanikin // Pellavableiseri ja trenssitakki on otettu käyttöön, kevät on siis virallisesti täällä!
Selfies are something I don't tend to take that often anymore, but when the feeling and light is there you need to go for it // The linen blazer and trench coat are out, that means spring is officially here!
Selfies are something I don't tend to take that often anymore, but when the feeling and light is there you need to go for it // The linen blazer and trench coat are out, that means spring is officially here!

Maaliskuun viimeinen viikonloppu tarkoitti synttäriviikonloppua! Aamupäivän brunssin jälkeen otin suunnaksi Edinburghin ja kiertelin hetken kaupungilla ennen kuin tsekkasin sisään hotelliin odottamaan äidin ja siskon saapumista Nonsense-podi ja vegaaninen porkkanakakku seuranani. Tällaiseen hotellihengailuun olisi kyllä voinut vaikka tottua! Synttäripäivästä on muuten tulossa vielä vlogia myöhemmin, eli pysykää kuulolla sen suhteen!
The last weekend of March meant birthday weekend! After first brunching with friends I jumped on the train to Edinburgh and did a little wander around the city centre before checking in to our hotel to wait for mum and sister to arrive. Podcasts and vegan carrot cake were keeping me company and I could definitely get to used to this kind of hotel chilling! There's also a birthday vlog coming your way later, so stay tuned for that!
The last weekend of March meant birthday weekend! After first brunching with friends I jumped on the train to Edinburgh and did a little wander around the city centre before checking in to our hotel to wait for mum and sister to arrive. Podcasts and vegan carrot cake were keeping me company and I could definitely get to used to this kind of hotel chilling! There's also a birthday vlog coming your way later, so stay tuned for that!

Lauantaina puolestaan vietettiin päivä suurimmaksi osaksi Edinburghissa, ja pääsin myös vihdoin käymään Edinburghin linnassa, josta aukesi aika upeat näkymät tässä vaiheessa vielä sateisen harmaan kaupungin ylle. Onneksi saatiin kuitenkin nauttia aurinkoisestakin Edistä hetken aikaa! // Poikettiin myös muutamissa kaupoissa Edinburghin päässä, ja H&M:ltä tarttui jotain taas mukaankin, mutta siitä lisää myöhemmin!
On Saturday we spent most of the day in Edinburgh, and I finally got to visit the Edinburgh Castle too. The views over the city were quite gorgeous, albeit rainy and grey at this point. Luckily we did get to experience Edinburgh in sunshine later on in the day too! // We also popped in to a few shops in Edinburgh, and something ended up in my shopping bag at H&M, but more about that later!
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