Happy September everyone! I guess now it is finally totally acceptable to just hygge it up at home, sip tea under blankets and burn candles since we've passed that magical turning point between the summer and autumn months? September also means that it's time to kick off my last few weeks in Finland for this summer. Crazy! Although I do still have a couple of weeks left to enjoy my time here, see friends and family and do other Finland things before I'm returning back to Glasgow on the 19th of this month. That is a Thursday and on the following Monday I'm starting back in uni for my fourth and final year. At least for now. If you're interested, I could write a little study update again since I haven't done those in a while? Anyway, starting this week by taking a glimpse on the past few weeks through some iPhone snapshots.

Viime maanantain look: comfy but make it chic. Mekko on kirppislöytö Relovesta mutta alunperin H&M:ltä. KappAhlin takki ja ECCO:n kengät puolestaan saatu PR lahjoina.
Outfit from Monday last week: comfy but make it chic. The dress is a second hand find from Relove but originally by H&M. The KappAhl dress and ECCO shoes are PR samples.

Muutama viikko sitten kokoonnuttiin meidän kuusihenkisellä tyttöporukalla upeisiin järvimaisemiin nauttimaan hyvästä seurasta, ruuasta, juomasta, saunasta ja yöunista.
A few weeks ago we gathered with our group of six girls to a summer cottage for a weekend of enjoying great company, food, drink, sauna and good nights' sleeps.
A few weeks ago we gathered with our group of six girls to a summer cottage for a weekend of enjoying great company, food, drink, sauna and good nights' sleeps.

Vaikka kesäinen lämpö tulikin takaisin, niin Hugon kanssa lenkkeillessä maisema on näyttänyt jo pitkään melko syksyiseltä puista tippuneine keltaisine lehtineen.
Although the warm summer temperatures made a comeback, thanks to the fallen yellow leaves on the ground it has looked quite autumnal for a while already when going for walks with Hugo.
Although the warm summer temperatures made a comeback, thanks to the fallen yellow leaves on the ground it has looked quite autumnal for a while already when going for walks with Hugo.

Nää simpukkakorvikset yhdessä tän paidan kanssa on ehdottomasti yksi mun suosikkikomboista! // Aina syksyn tullen kellot löytää tiensä taas takaisin mun ranteeseen, käykö kellekään muulle näin?
These shell earrings together with this top is definitely one of my favourite combos! // Whenever autumn rolls around I always find myself gravitating back to having watches on my wrist again, does this happen to anyone else?
These shell earrings together with this top is definitely one of my favourite combos! // Whenever autumn rolls around I always find myself gravitating back to having watches on my wrist again, does this happen to anyone else?
Ihana ihana Helsinki ♥︎
Oh Helsinki, you're so pretty ♥︎
Oh Helsinki, you're so pretty ♥︎

Treffailtiin pari viikkoa sitten Inkan kanssa, ja korkattiin myös chai latte -kausi!
Inka and I opened the chai latte season a couple of weeks ago!
Inka and I opened the chai latte season a couple of weeks ago!

Koti-yksityiskohtia. Neutraalit sävyt iskee paitsi pukeutumisessa niin myös sisustuksessa. // Innostuin kuvaamaan YouTuben puolelle pienen second hand haul -videon kesän kirppislöydöistä. Jos et ole vielä ehtinyt videota katsomaan, niin se löytyy täältä! // Kaikenlaiset hiuskoristeet on edelleen ihan lemppareita! Niin helppo tapa tuoda lookiin vähän piristystä.
Home details. Neutral tones are not only my thing in fashion and clothing, but I love them for interiors too. // I recently filmed a tiny second hand haul to YouTube of the finds I've made this summer, and in case you missed it you can catch up here! // I'm still loving all kinds of hair accessories. They're just such an easy way to spark up a look.
Home details. Neutral tones are not only my thing in fashion and clothing, but I love them for interiors too. // I recently filmed a tiny second hand haul to YouTube of the finds I've made this summer, and in case you missed it you can catch up here! // I'm still loving all kinds of hair accessories. They're just such an easy way to spark up a look.

Ai että mä sitten rakastan Helsingin kahviloita! Kävin vihdoin testaamassa paljon puhutun ja kehutun supersöpön ANDANTEn, ja kauramatcha oli muuten paras koskaan juomani ♥︎
Oh boy how I love all the coffee shops in Helsinki! I finally went and tried the much hyped and super cute ANDANTE, and that oat matcha must have been the best I've ever had ♥︎
Oh boy how I love all the coffee shops in Helsinki! I finally went and tried the much hyped and super cute ANDANTE, and that oat matcha must have been the best I've ever had ♥︎

Muutama viikko sitten olin tosiaan minäkin kaikkien 59,999:n muun ihmisen kanssa Malmin lentokentällä kuuntelemassa Ed Sheerania. Keikka ei kyllä jättänyt kylmäksi (sanan missään merkityksessä), ja myös Zara Larsson oli ihan super hyvä!
A few weeks ago me and 59,999 others spent the evening listening to Ed Sheeran at the Malmi Airport in Helsinki. The concert definitely didn't leave me cold (in any sense of the word), and Zara Larsson was actually really good too!
A few weeks ago me and 59,999 others spent the evening listening to Ed Sheeran at the Malmi Airport in Helsinki. The concert definitely didn't leave me cold (in any sense of the word), and Zara Larsson was actually really good too!

Sain ihanalta Palms&Berries:iltä heidän creamy packeja testiin, ja voi nan miten hyvää açaita 😍 Toimii niin yksinään, smoothie-tyyppisenä bowlina kuin puuronkin päällä!
I received a few creamy açai packs from Palms&Berries, and oh my how yummy it is 😍 Works on its own, obviously as a smoothie bowl kind of thing, and also as a porridge topping!
I received a few creamy açai packs from Palms&Berries, and oh my how yummy it is 😍 Works on its own, obviously as a smoothie bowl kind of thing, and also as a porridge topping!

Viime keskiviikkona kävin moikkailemassa ihania Marsaanan tyttöjä ja blogi-ystäviä Diego dalla Palman syksyn uusien meikkien lanseeraustilaisuudessa, ja tietysti olin nude-rakastajana ihan silmät sydäminä kaikkiin brändin upeisiin nudeihin huulipuniin. Diego dalla Palma tulee muuten syksyllä myös Prisman valikoimaan, eli tämän laadukkaan italialaisbrändin saatavuus Suomessa paranee merkittävästi!
Las Wednesday I popped into the PR agency Marsaana to say hi to the lovely girls there and catch up with some blogging friends, as well as take a look at the new Diego dalla Palma autumn collection. And the nude lover that I am, I was obviously all heart eyes over these nude lipsticks.
Las Wednesday I popped into the PR agency Marsaana to say hi to the lovely girls there and catch up with some blogging friends, as well as take a look at the new Diego dalla Palma autumn collection. And the nude lover that I am, I was obviously all heart eyes over these nude lipsticks.

Viime perjantaina olikin ihan kunnon juhlapäivä kun suuntasin ensin Headbrandsin studion 1-vuotisjuhliin, ja jatkoin siitä vielä ystäväni luokse vanhoihin kunnon kotibileisiin. Nauroinkin Instagramin puolella jo sitä, että en yleensä käy ulkona perjantaisin (tai ylipäätään jos totta puhutaan), mutta silloin kun käy niin tehokkuuden nimissä vedetään sitten kahdet juhlat samana iltana hahah!
Last Friday was a day full of celebrations. First I headed to the Headbands studio to celebrate the studio's first birthday, and from there I continued on to a friend of mine who was having a good old house party. I laughed about it on my Instagram already how I don't usually go out on Fridays (or go out in general to be honest), but when I do might as well be efficient and have two parties in one night hahah!
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