Tammikuussa kuvattiin meidän lopputyöhön liittyvän lehden sisältöjä, ja tässä meneillään denimiin keskittyvä studiopäivä.
In January we were shooting content for our final fashion project magazine, and this one was a denim focused studio day.
In January we were shooting content for our final fashion project magazine, and this one was a denim focused studio day.

Tämä Glasgow'n vanha arkkitehtuuri jaksaa kyllä vaan aina ihastuttaa kauneudellaan // Oon kehittänyt ehkä pienen obsession näihin Livia's Million Squareseihin. Niin hyviä!
Never not amazed by the beautiful old architecture in Glasgow // I've developed a bit of an obsession to these Livia's Million Squares. They're just so good!
Never not amazed by the beautiful old architecture in Glasgow // I've developed a bit of an obsession to these Livia's Million Squares. They're just so good!

Näitä kuvia kuvaamassa ihanan Lindseyn kanssa // Muutamana sunnuntaina oon pystyttänyt aamujoogan jälkeen kunnon sunnuntai-officen läheiseen kahvilaan. Paljon kivempi tehdä hommia ison kauralattemukin ja puuron äärellä kivassa ympäristössä, ja samalla voi harrastaa vähän people watchingia.
Shooting these photos with the lovely Lindsey // On a few Sundays after a morning yoga class I've set up a little Sunday office to a nearby coffee shop. It's just so much more inspiring to do work accompanied by a big oat latte and porridge in nice surroundings, and the people watching is obviously an added bonus.
Shooting these photos with the lovely Lindsey // On a few Sundays after a morning yoga class I've set up a little Sunday office to a nearby coffee shop. It's just so much more inspiring to do work accompanied by a big oat latte and porridge in nice surroundings, and the people watching is obviously an added bonus.

Hotpod Yoga on edelleen yksi mun jokaviikkoisista rutiineista, ja kuten maanantaina kirjoitinkin niin koen sen auttavan keskittymisen ja stressin hallinnan kanssa hurjasti!
Hotpod Yoga is still one of my weekly routines, and as I wrote on Monday, I feel that it really helps me to stay concentrated when I'm studying and definitely helps with stress management too!
Hotpod Yoga is still one of my weekly routines, and as I wrote on Monday, I feel that it really helps me to stay concentrated when I'm studying and definitely helps with stress management too!

Nyt kun aika Glasgow'ssa käy pikku hiljaa vähiin, on täytynyt ryhdistäytyä kaikkien kivojen ruokapaikkojen ja kahviloiden testaamisessa :D Tässä testiin pääsi super symppis Sprigg, jota voin kyllä suositella omastakin puolestani! // Ja tässä sitä lopputyön viimeistelyä ja testiprinttausta
I've been slowly working my way through all the Glasgow food spots that I want to try before leaving, and a few weeks ago I finally managed to cross Sprigg off that list. I can definitely see why they're popular and join in on the hype! // Finishing off and test printing the final fashion project
I've been slowly working my way through all the Glasgow food spots that I want to try before leaving, and a few weeks ago I finally managed to cross Sprigg off that list. I can definitely see why they're popular and join in on the hype! // Finishing off and test printing the final fashion project

Pari viikkoa sitten astuin ihan täysin oman mukavuusalueeni ulkopuolelle ja tein jotain mitä en ole tehnyt koskaan aiemmin: olin nimittäin avustamassa kaverin lyhytelokuvan kuvauksissa! Innolla odotan että näen lopullisen pätkän myöhemmin keväällä.
A couple of weeks ago I stepped totally out of my comfort zone and did something I've never done before: acting in a friend's short film! I'm really looking forward to seeing the final result later this spring and see how it all looks together.
A couple of weeks ago I stepped totally out of my comfort zone and did something I've never done before: acting in a friend's short film! I'm really looking forward to seeing the final result later this spring and see how it all looks together.

Luin muutama viikko sitten loppuun myös Jen Sinceron You Are a Badass -kirjan, josta olin kuullut paljon hyvää. Oma mielipiteeni puolestaan on että ei mitenkään maailmaa mullistava, mutta kiva ja helppolukuinen kirja joka kyllä ehdottomasti motivoi ja inspiroi // Ehkä yksi cooleimmista respoista ibis Style Glasgow Centre West -hotellissa. Tuli ihan jotkut 50-luvun Jenkki-diner vibat!
I finally finished reading You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero after hearing so many good things about it. My personal opinion is that it wasn't anything life changing, but definitely a nice, easy and inspiring read anyway // Probably one of the coolest hotel receptions I've seen in ibis Style Glasgow Centre West. Has the 1950s American diner vibes all over!
I finally finished reading You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero after hearing so many good things about it. My personal opinion is that it wasn't anything life changing, but definitely a nice, easy and inspiring read anyway // Probably one of the coolest hotel receptions I've seen in ibis Style Glasgow Centre West. Has the 1950s American diner vibes all over!

Tän hetken lemppari nopea ja helppo arkiruoka: vegaaninen kikhernejauho-omeletti. Tarvitaan vain kikhernejauhoja, vettä, kurkumaa + mielen mukaan muita mausteita ja ravintohiivahiutaleita. Kaikkein parasta yhdessä paistettujen tai uunissa paahdettujen kasvisten ja hummuksen kanssa 👌 // Oon ollut jo vähän kevät-viboissa, ja siitä varma merkki on aina sinisten farkkujen ja valkoisten paitojen paluu. Täytyy muuten alkaa pitää tukkaa taas useammin matalalla niskanutturalla, aina unohdan kuinka kivalta se näyttääkään!
My current favourite quick and easy weekday meal: vegan chickpea omelette. You only need chickpea flour, water, turmeric + other spices according to taste and some nutritional yeast. Best when served with fried or roasted vegetables and hummus 👌 // I've been feeling the spring vibes lately, which always makes me pull out blue jeans and white shirts again. And I think I need to start wearing my hair on a low bun more again, I always forget how nice it actually looks!
My current favourite quick and easy weekday meal: vegan chickpea omelette. You only need chickpea flour, water, turmeric + other spices according to taste and some nutritional yeast. Best when served with fried or roasted vegetables and hummus 👌 // I've been feeling the spring vibes lately, which always makes me pull out blue jeans and white shirts again. And I think I need to start wearing my hair on a low bun more again, I always forget how nice it actually looks!

Todiste siitä, että sateen ja ehkä kolme viikkoa kestäneiden jatkuvien myrskyjen lisäksi on se aurinkokin aina välillä pilkistänyt. Sininen taivas ja nyt hiljattain myös valoisammat aamut ja illat on kyllä tehneet ihmeitä ainakin mun mielialalle // Ja löytyipä sitten mullekin se vihreä bleiseri, jonka perään tässä postauksessa vähän haaveilin. Tämän yksilön nappasin mukaan H&M:ltä maanantaina, ja ai vitsit miten kivan piristyksen mun bleiserivalikoimaan tämä vihreä tuokaan.
A proof of the fact that it hasn't been only storms and rain lately, but we have actually had some sunshine too. The blue skies and lately also the lighter and brighter mornings and evenings have done wonders for my mood // I was lusting over green blazers in this post and actually found one too. I grabbed this H&M number on Monday, and it certainly adds a nice pop of colour to my blazer collection.
A proof of the fact that it hasn't been only storms and rain lately, but we have actually had some sunshine too. The blue skies and lately also the lighter and brighter mornings and evenings have done wonders for my mood // I was lusting over green blazers in this post and actually found one too. I grabbed this H&M number on Monday, and it certainly adds a nice pop of colour to my blazer collection.
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