Happy first of October! That's another month gone and only three left of this year, how mental! The past September weeks have been filled with all kinds of different things, the most notable one obviously returning back to Glasgow and starting university again after the summer holidays. Here's a peek into what else my September constituted of, crepes on cliffs, visit to a chocolate factory, air yoga and trying out new beauty products among others!

Syyskuu alkoi näissä maisemissa ystävän mökillä tyttöjen viikonlopun merkeissä.
September started with a girls' summer cottage weekend in these views.
September started with a girls' summer cottage weekend in these views.

Viikonloppuun sisältyi kaikkea mitä mökkiviikonlopulta nyt voi odotaakin: hyvää ruokaa ja juomaa, saunomista, naurua ja syvällisiä sekä vähän vähemmän syvällisiä keskusteluja.
And the weekend was of course filled with everything you would expect it to be: eating, drinking, going to sauna, laughing and deep (and less deep) conversations.
And the weekend was of course filled with everything you would expect it to be: eating, drinking, going to sauna, laughing and deep (and less deep) conversations.

Käytiin Inkan ja Hennan kanssa kuvailujen jälkeen Paulig Kulmassa (snickers-raakakakku 😍) vaihtamassa kuulumisia ja tekemässä suunnitelmia // Ennen Suomesta lähtöä ehdin vielä käydä tutustumassa Goodion suklaatehtaalla. Goodio on monestakin syystä ihan mun suosikkisuklaata, superiso kiitos siis Goodiolle kutsusta!
Post shoot Paulig Kulma date with Inka and Henna to have a catch up and make some plans (and eat some delicious snickers raw cake 😍) // Before leaving Finland I had the opportunity to visit Goodio's chocolate factory. Goodio is my favourite chocolate brand for multiple reasons, so a huge huge thank you to Goodio for inviting me!
Post shoot Paulig Kulma date with Inka and Henna to have a catch up and make some plans (and eat some delicious snickers raw cake 😍) // Before leaving Finland I had the opportunity to visit Goodio's chocolate factory. Goodio is my favourite chocolate brand for multiple reasons, so a huge huge thank you to Goodio for inviting me!

Helsinki-Vantaalta Heathrow'n kautta Glasgow'hun // Täällä mua odotti ihan mielettömissä syksyn väreissä loistava lähipuisto
From Helsinki-Vantaa to Glasgow via Heathrow // My nearby park greeted me with gorgeous autumnal colours when I arrived
From Helsinki-Vantaa to Glasgow via Heathrow // My nearby park greeted me with gorgeous autumnal colours when I arrived

Ihanan inspiroiva ja motivoiva Royal Bank of Scotlandin 100 Women -paneelikeskustelu, joka innoitti kirjoittamaan tämän "Women, It's Time to Ditch the Impostor Syndrome" -postauksen.
The amazingly inspiring Royal Bank 100 Women panel discussion that sparked me to write this "Women, It's Time to Ditch the Impostor Syndrome" post.

Tilaisuudessa oli tarjolla myös muun muassa älyttömän hyvää currya ja laseihin puolestaan kaadettiin kuplivaa!
At the panel event we were able to fill our tummies with e.g. this super yummy curry and glasses were filled with bubbles!

Instagram-yhteistyön myötä olen päässyt myös vähän paremmin tutustumaan Madaran tuotteisiin. Brändi sinänsä on jo entuudestaan tuttu mutta on ollut kiva päästä kokeilemaan myös itselleni ihan uusia tuotteita. City CC -voide on ehdottomasti paras kokeilemani ja SOS-sarjan seerumi ja kosteusvoide on olleet syysihon pelastus // Yli kahden vuoden jälkeen ilmajoogaa, ja oli muuten huomattavasti helpompaa ja nautinnollisempaa kuin ensimmäisellä kerralla kun tiesi vähän miten liina käyttäytyy! // Ja joogan jälkeen kookosmaitoon tehtyä jääkahvia mukaan, tälle iso suositus!
I've also been able to get to know Madara products a little bit better thanks to an Instagram collaboration I'm doing with them. I already knew the brand before and been using and loving their products on and off for a few years, but it's been nice trying some new-to-me products from them. The City CC cream is definitely the best one I've tried, and the SOS serum and moisturiser have been my autumn skin saviours // After over two years I tried air yoga again, and this time it was much more enjoyable when I already knew how the fabric would move! // And a post yoga coconut milk iced coffee, this one was really really good!
I've also been able to get to know Madara products a little bit better thanks to an Instagram collaboration I'm doing with them. I already knew the brand before and been using and loving their products on and off for a few years, but it's been nice trying some new-to-me products from them. The City CC cream is definitely the best one I've tried, and the SOS serum and moisturiser have been my autumn skin saviours // After over two years I tried air yoga again, and this time it was much more enjoyable when I already knew how the fabric would move! // And a post yoga coconut milk iced coffee, this one was really really good!
Tätä kuvaa katsoessa tulee kieltämättä New York -vibat, kuten joku Instagramin kommenteissa totesikin. Glasgow'n arkkitehtuuri kyllä jaksaa aina ihastuttaa!
As someone mentioned in the comments of this Instagram post, the photo really has some New York vibes to it. I just love the architecture in Glasgow!
As someone mentioned in the comments of this Instagram post, the photo really has some New York vibes to it. I just love the architecture in Glasgow!

Kesän jälkeen kuulumisten vaihtoa suomalaisen ystäväni / melkein naapurin kanssa, sillä ei nähty koko kesän aikana kertaakaan kun Suomessa aikataulut meni niin ristiin. Parempia asukuvia tästä lookista löytyy muuten tästä postauksesta!
Catching up with my Finnish friend / almost neighbour after not having seen her during the summer months since our schedules clashed while we were in Finland. If you want to see my outfit better then check out this post!
Catching up with my Finnish friend / almost neighbour after not having seen her during the summer months since our schedules clashed while we were in Finland. If you want to see my outfit better then check out this post!

The Barras -alueesta oon kuullut ja lukenut monta kertaa, mutta vasta noin viikko sitten pääsin vähän paremmin kiertelemään ja tutustumaan paikkaan.
I've heard and read about The Barras area multiple times, but it was only a week ago when I finally managed to explore the area a little bit better.
I've heard and read about The Barras area multiple times, but it was only a week ago when I finally managed to explore the area a little bit better.

The Barras on täynnä cooleja seinämaalauksia ja muita yksityiskohtia // Ja löytyypä lähettyviltä myös "tiemaalaus", johon on kirjattu alueella esiintyneitä bändejä ja bongasin maasta tutun nimen!
And there were so many cool murals and other details around // I also spotted a name of a band I recognise in the street painting where they've painted the names of the bands that have performed there. HIM is probably one of the most successful Finnish bands ever!
And there were so many cool murals and other details around // I also spotted a name of a band I recognise in the street painting where they've painted the names of the bands that have performed there. HIM is probably one of the most successful Finnish bands ever!

Ja taas yksi Glasgow'n kahvila checkattu listalta ✔︎ Tässä menossa Spitfire Espresson flat white kauramaidolla // Viime viikolla maalasin huulet pitkästä aikaa punaiseksi ihan tavallisena arkipäivänä ja eihän se ehkä nyt niin oudolta tuntunutkaan!
And another Glasgow cafe ticked off from the list ✔︎ Here with an oat milk flat white in Spitfire Espresso // Last week I painted my lips red on a regular Wednesday and I actually didn't feel that 'out of character' after all!
And another Glasgow cafe ticked off from the list ✔︎ Here with an oat milk flat white in Spitfire Espresso // Last week I painted my lips red on a regular Wednesday and I actually didn't feel that 'out of character' after all!

Keskusrautatieasemalla on aina myynnissä upeita kukkakimppuja, ja usein junaa odotellessa tulee napattua kimpuista kuva. Tästä huolimatta en ole kuitenkaan vielä kertaakaan vienyt kimppua kassalle asti // Jooga on taas palannut mukaan arkirutiineihin Glasgow'hun paluun jälkeen
The flower bouquets at Glasgow Central Station are something I often find myself taking photos of if I have to wait for my train. Despite this I still never have actually bought one // Yoga has made its way back to my routines again after returning to Glasgow
The flower bouquets at Glasgow Central Station are something I often find myself taking photos of if I have to wait for my train. Despite this I still never have actually bought one // Yoga has made its way back to my routines again after returning to Glasgow

Syksy on ihan parasta aikaa leipomiselle ja viikonloppuna pyöräytin ylikypsistä banaaneista herkullisen banana breadin viikunoilla ja kookoksella. Aika hyvin onnistui vaikka resepti oli lähinnä omaa kokeilua!
Autumn is THE season for baking and last weekend I used up my overripe bananas to make this banana bread with figs and coconut. Turned out quite well even though the recipe was mainly me just experimenting!
Autumn is THE season for baking and last weekend I used up my overripe bananas to make this banana bread with figs and coconut. Turned out quite well even though the recipe was mainly me just experimenting!
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