It would be easier said than done to find vegan food in Nice if you haven't done some research and planning beforehand. That's exactly what I did before our weekend trip to the French coastal city, and eventually it turned out that Nice is full of options for vegans too - you just have to know where to go! My list of vegan food places to try ended up being so long that we couldn't even go to all of them (although it turned out some of the places on my list had already ceased trading), but I'm sharing the full list with you anyway!
Paper Plane
14 Rue Gubernatis
Tää oli ihan mun ehdoton lemppari koko reissun ajalta, ja oisin voinut palata tänne toistekin! Menu ilmeisesti vaihtelee hieman sesongin mukaan eikä ole mitenkään superpitkä, vaan koostuu muutamasta eri vaihtehdosta niin alku-, pää- kuin jälkiruuaksikin. Kaikkien annosten keskiössä on kuitenkin tuoreet ja terveelliset ainesosat, ja lisäksi menusta löytyy freshejä mehuja ja smoothieita. Paikkana kahvila on ihan supersöpö ja viihtyisä, mutta auki vain tiistaista lauantaihin klo 9:30-15:30, eli tänne kannattaakin suunnata brekulle, brunssille tai lounaalle!
This was hands down my favourite during the whole trip, and I could've easily gone there another time too! From my understanding the menu varies according to season and it's not super long, but consists of a few options for starters, mains and desserts. All of the dishes are made from healthy and fresh ingredients, and the menu also features fresh juices and smoothies. As a place the cafe is super cute and cosy but only open from Tuesday to Saturday between 9:30 and 15:30, so head here for breakfast, brunch or lunch!
This was hands down my favourite during the whole trip, and I could've easily gone there another time too! From my understanding the menu varies according to season and it's not super long, but consists of a few options for starters, mains and desserts. All of the dishes are made from healthy and fresh ingredients, and the menu also features fresh juices and smoothies. As a place the cafe is super cute and cosy but only open from Tuesday to Saturday between 9:30 and 15:30, so head here for breakfast, brunch or lunch!
Saatavilla eri ravintoloissa // Available in various restaurants
Ei ravintola, vaan itse asiassa nizzalainen perinneruoka. Socca on ikäänkuin suolainen pannukakku, joka valmistetaan ainoastaan kikherneitä hyödyntäen, eli se on luonnostaan täysin vegaaninen ja gluteeniton. Soccaa myydään monissa ravintoloissa ja kojuissa ympäri kaupunkia ja sen saa usein myös erilaisten täytteiden kanssa, mutta toimii loistavasti myös näin pelkiltäänkin!
Socca isn't a restaurant but actually a traditional dish from Nice. Socca is a little bit like a savoury pancake that is made from only chickpeas, and so it's naturally completely vegan and gluten free. Socca is sold in many restaurants and food stalls across the city and you can often have it with different fillings. However, it works really well on its own like this too!
Vegan Gorilla
7 Rue du Lycée
Tänä vuonna Michelin-tähden ansainnut täysin vegaaninen ja gluteeniton ravintola, jossa illallistettiin viimeisenä iltana. Menu vaihtelee tässäkin ravintolassa viikoittain eikä ole mitenkään erityisen kattava, vaan sisältää pari eri alku-, pää-, ja jälkiruokavaihtoehtoa. Itse olen aiemmin mieltänyt Michelin-ravintolat jotenkin todella fiineinä ja 'hillittyinä', mutta se mielikuva ei ainakaan Vegan Gorillaan päde vaan ravintolassa vallitsee rento fiilis, sisustuksessa on käytetty paljon luonnonmateriaaleja ja taustalla soi 80-luvun parhaimpia hittejä.
A fully vegan and gluten free restaurant where we headed for dinner on our last night, and that also gained a Michelin star this year. Vegan Gorilla also changes up its menu on a weekly basis, and it doesn't cover a huge variety of dishes but there are a couple of starter, main and dessert options each. Personally I've always thought Michelin restaurants would be super fancy and 'constrained', but that image doesn't apply to Vegan Gorilla at all. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed, the interiors feature a lot of natural elements and they're playing some of the biggest 80s tunes in the background.
Kauppakeskus Nice Etoile // Nice Etoile shopping centre
Pienissä itsenäisissä kahviloissa ja ravintoloissa jotka eivät ole muuten vegaanivaihtoehtoihin keskittyneitä ei lähtökohtaisesti ole kasvipohjaisia maitoja tarjolla. Klisee, mutta Starbucksiin voi onneksi aina luottaa ja kahvin saa niin soija-, manteli-, kuin kookosmaidollakin.
I never saw a small independent cafe or restaurant (that doesn't focus on vegans) offer plant based milk options. It's a cliche but Starbucks can always be trusted and you can rely on getting your coffee fix with soy, almond or coconut milk.

Kojut ympäri kaupunkia // Stalls across the city
Ei lomaa ilman jäätelöä! Ihan kaikissa kojuissa ei vegaanivaihtoehtoja ole saatavilla, mutta kysymällä löytyy ja selviää! Eräällä rannan ja kaupungin välisellä kujalla oli useampikin gelato-koju, ja kun ensimmäisestä kojusta kysyin niin ei maidottomia vaihtoehtoja löytynyt, mutta heti seuraavassa oli valikoimaa jo useammankin makuvaihtoehdon verran. Omaan tötteeröni päätyi mangon lisäksi banaanin makuista sorbettia, joka oli todella kermaisen ja täyteläisen makuista.
What's a holiday without ice cream! Not all vans and stalls have vegan options available, but if you just ask you'll surely find some! On one street between the beach and city centre there were multiple gelato stalls, and when I asked for vegan options in the first one they had none but the next one already had a good few flavour options. I opted for a scoop of mango and a scoop of banana, which had a really nice full and creamy consistency and taste.
Muut vegaaneille sopivat paikat Nizzassa // Other vegan friendly places in Nice
- Koko Green
- Badaboom (täällä kuulemma vegaani juustolautanen! // Apparently they serve a vegan cheese platter!)
- Chez Pipo (soccaan erikoistunut ravintola // specialises in socca )
- So Green
- Alounak
- Le Sully
- Le Speakeasy
- Amour Patisserie Végétale (vegaanisia leipomotuotteita // vegan pastries)
- Bhajan Cafe
- Copper Branch
- The Healer
- Utopia
- Naturalia (ruokakauppa, josta löytyy hyvin vegaanisia, gluteenittomia ja orgaanisia tuotteita // a small grocery store that has a good variety of vegan, gluten free and organic products )
- Naturalia (ruokakauppa, josta löytyy hyvin vegaanisia, gluteenittomia ja orgaanisia tuotteita // a small grocery store that has a good variety of vegan, gluten free and organic products )
Nizzassa ylipäätään koko vegaani-käsitteeseen suhtauduttiin hyvin vaihtelevasti. Joissakin paikoissa koko sanaa ei tunnistettu ja tajuttu ollenkaan, kun taas jossain oltiin valmiita tekemään annoksista vegaanisia valmistamalla ne vaikkapa ilman juustoa. Käytiin esimerkiksi isäni toiveesta Hard Rock Caféssa, jonka listalta ei löytynyt vegaanivaihtoehtoja mutta jossa mulle pystyttiin toiveesta tekemään vegaaninen annos. Kannattaa siis vaan rohkeasti kysyä henkilökunnalta!
In general, the term and concept of 'vegan' is received very variedly in Nice. In some places they don't even recognise the word, whereas in others they are willing and able to modify some dishes to cater for vegans by e.g. preparing them without cheese. This was the case for example in Hard Rock Café where we ate once as requested by my dad. They didn't have any vegan options on the list, but they were able to prepare a vegan dish for me after asking for their options. So it's definitely always worth asking and checking!
Find Me:
the Paper plane cafe looks amazing and all he food looks delicious
ReplyDeletePaper Plane really is such a cute cafe, loved the place! xx
DeleteThe Paper Plane cafe looks so cool and the food looks delicious! It can be so hard to find nice vegan places when you're away on holiday, so love this little Nice vegan food guide, so handy! xx
ReplyDeleteI loved it there, both the cafe and the food! And glad to hear you like this little vegan food guide Laura ♥︎ xx
DeleteLove this babe, such a fab guide! I'm dying to go back to France soon! x
Thank you lovely, so glad you liked this! I would absolutely love to go back again soon too 😍