I posted a similar post with my actual real-life outfits during one week earlier in the spring this year, and I thought it'd be time for a new one. So without further ado, here are seven outfits I actually wore last week!
Maanantai / Monday
Aloitin muutama viikko sitten työt eräässä kahvilassa, jossa olen nyt tehnyt vuoroja. Maanantaiaamuna meillä oli henksupalaveri/kahvikoulutus, jonne suuntasin yllä näkyvässä asussa. Valkoiset farkut ei ehkä olleet se kaikkein parhain idea kahvikoulutukseen, mutta onneksi pienet roiskeet lähti pesussa pois!
I started working at a cafe a few weeks ago, and on Monday morning we had a staff meeting / coffee training to which I headed wearing the above outfit. Have to say, the white jeans weren't exactly the best idea for a coffee training, but luckily the washing machine got rid of the tiny coffee stains and drips.
I started working at a cafe a few weeks ago, and on Monday morning we had a staff meeting / coffee training to which I headed wearing the above outfit. Have to say, the white jeans weren't exactly the best idea for a coffee training, but luckily the washing machine got rid of the tiny coffee stains and drips.
Tiistai / Tuesday
Tiistaina treffasin hyvää ystävääni aamuapalatreffien merkeissä Viiskulman Relovessa, ja päällä oli luottokombo farkut+teeppari+bleiseri. Jalassa vielä uudet Eccon lempparikengät, ja käsivarrella verkkokassi. Oli muuten mun ensimmäinen kerta Reloven brekulla ja uudessa Viiskulman toimipisteessä ylipäätään, eli nyt sain sen yliviivattua elokuun bucket listilta, jes! Kuvattiin tästä lookista myös paremmat asukuvat, jotka tulossa tänne blogin puolelle vielä myöhemmin. Niin ja iso suositus muuten koko Relove Viiskulmalle ja heidän super herkulliselle acai bowlilleen! P.S. Huomatkaa vieraileva tähti, joka tuli peilin eteen kunnon rapsutussessiolle.
On Tuesday I met up with one of my friends for a breakfast date at the second hand shop + cafe hybrid Relove wearing my go-to combo of jeans + tee + blazer. On my feet I had my new favourite chunky trainers from Ecco, and a macrame bag on my arm. It was my first time trying the breakfast at Relove and first visit in that particular branch in Helsinki, so now that's crossed off from my August bucket list - yay! We also shot proper outfit photos of this look, which will be up here on the blog later. Oh and I definitely recommend paying a visit to Relove and their newly opened shop on Fredrikinkatu if you're in Helsinki. And definitely try the açai bowl when you're there! P.S. Notice the star guest having a proper scratching session in front of the mirror.
Keskiviikko / Wednesday
Keskiviikko olikin sitten ihan normaali työpäivä kahvilassa, eli kokomustaa päälle ja menoksi! Tosta mun pikkuisesta Marimekon retrorepusta on tullut ihan mun vakkariduunireppu, se kulkee niin kätevästi selässä ja sinne saa mukaan juuri kaiken tarpeellisen. Kuten esimerkiksi nuo Sudiolta jo melkein vuosi sitten saadut kuulokkeet. Koodilla 'pinjaK' saa muuten edelleen 15% alennusta Sudion tuotteista!
Wednesday on the other hand was a normal work day at the cafe, so I was wearing all black for the day! That little Marimekko retro backpack has become my trusty work bag, as it is so handy and convenient to carry on my back and fits just what I need inside. Like for example those headphones that I was gifted by Sudio almost a year ago. And you can still get 15% off on Sudio orders with the code 'pinjaK'!
Wednesday on the other hand was a normal work day at the cafe, so I was wearing all black for the day! That little Marimekko retro backpack has become my trusty work bag, as it is so handy and convenient to carry on my back and fits just what I need inside. Like for example those headphones that I was gifted by Sudio almost a year ago. And you can still get 15% off on Sudio orders with the code 'pinjaK'!
Torstai / Thursday
Torstai oli jälleen työpäivä, ja melkeinpä ihan samalla lookilla mentiin kuin keskiviikkonakin. Nahkatakin sijaan aamulla tosin heitin päälle farkkutakin, ja ponnarikampauksen koristelin helmisoljella joka ei ihan kuvassa näy.
Thursday was another work day, so I was wearing pretty much the same look as on Wednesday. But instead of a leather jacket I put on a denim one to keep me warm in the morning, and I accessorised my ponytail with a pearl hair clip that you can't really see in the photo above.
Thursday was another work day, so I was wearing pretty much the same look as on Wednesday. But instead of a leather jacket I put on a denim one to keep me warm in the morning, and I accessorised my ponytail with a pearl hair clip that you can't really see in the photo above.
Perjantai / Friday
Perjantaina kävin aamupäivällä hoitamassa asioita ja hakemassa muun muassa uuden pankkikortin, ja iltapäivällä otettiin tyttöporukalla ruokakaupan kautta suunnaksi ystäväni mökki. Casual Friday -tyyliin perjantaina mentiin rennolla lookilla: liehuhousut, vyötäröltä solmittu valkoinen t-paita, farkkutakki, Eccon lenkkarit, kerrostetut kaulakorut ja juuri täydellisen näppärän kokoinen käärmekuosinen laukku.
On Friday morning I ran some errands e.g. picking up my new bank card, and in the afternoon we drove off to one of my friends' summer cottage with the girls, first making a pitstop at the grocery store. In a casual Friday style I was wearing flowy trousers, white t-shirt with a knot detail, a denim jacket, the Ecco trainers, layered necklace and the snakeskin patterned crossbody bag that is literally just the perfect size.

Lauantai / Saturday
Lauantaiaamuna heräiltiin järvimaisemissa ja päivä kului suurimmaksi osaksi mökillä Lululemonin aivan suosikkileggareissa rennosti hengaillen. Käytiin aamupäivällä pyörähtämässä vielä kaupassa ja torilla, jolloin päällä oli sama look kuin perjantaina mutta muuten leggingsit, solmittu t-paita ja huppari oli lauantain asuvalinta mökkirentoiluun.
On Saturday morning we woke up on the lakeside and I spent most of the day just relaxing wearing my absolute favourite pair of leggings from Lululemon. We did another grocery store trip and visited the local market square and I wore the same outfit as on Friday for that, but otherwise my Saturday look consisted of leggings, the knotted t-shirt and a hoodie.

Sunnuntai / Sunday
Sunnuntaina palattiin hyvissä ajoin aikaisin iltapäivällä takaisin kotiin, ja koko loppupäivän vietinkin kotona joogavaatteissa koneen ääressä ja hetken joogamatollakin.
On Sunday we returned back home early in the afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day mostly sitting in front of my laptop in my yogawear, and some time on the yoga mat too.
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On Friday morning I ran some errands e.g. picking up my new bank card, and in the afternoon we drove off to one of my friends' summer cottage with the girls, first making a pitstop at the grocery store. In a casual Friday style I was wearing flowy trousers, white t-shirt with a knot detail, a denim jacket, the Ecco trainers, layered necklace and the snakeskin patterned crossbody bag that is literally just the perfect size.
Lauantai / Saturday
Lauantaiaamuna heräiltiin järvimaisemissa ja päivä kului suurimmaksi osaksi mökillä Lululemonin aivan suosikkileggareissa rennosti hengaillen. Käytiin aamupäivällä pyörähtämässä vielä kaupassa ja torilla, jolloin päällä oli sama look kuin perjantaina mutta muuten leggingsit, solmittu t-paita ja huppari oli lauantain asuvalinta mökkirentoiluun.
On Saturday morning we woke up on the lakeside and I spent most of the day just relaxing wearing my absolute favourite pair of leggings from Lululemon. We did another grocery store trip and visited the local market square and I wore the same outfit as on Friday for that, but otherwise my Saturday look consisted of leggings, the knotted t-shirt and a hoodie.
Sunnuntai / Sunday
Sunnuntaina palattiin hyvissä ajoin aikaisin iltapäivällä takaisin kotiin, ja koko loppupäivän vietinkin kotona joogavaatteissa koneen ääressä ja hetken joogamatollakin.
On Sunday we returned back home early in the afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day mostly sitting in front of my laptop in my yogawear, and some time on the yoga mat too.
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Love your Monday outfit babe, it's so cute! I have to say, your Saturday and Sunday looks are pretty much identical to what mine look like this week! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Laura, so glad to hear you like the Monday look! And hey, comfy outfits for the win - especially on weekends! ❤️ xx