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Mulla oli pitkään vaihe kun en käyttänyt vöitä ollenkaan, kunnes nyt ihan hiljattain oon löytänyt vyöt taas uudelleen! Vyö on kiva ja helppo tapa piristää asua, ja lisätä siihen se pieni kaivattu yksityiskohta. Vyön avulla saa myös esimerkiksi mekkoihin tai neuleisiin vähän lisää 'muotoa', mutta viime aikoina oon itse pitänyt vyötä ihan vain perinteisesti farkkujen vyölenkkien läpi pujotettuna. Enkä muuten taida olla yksin tämän vyöinnostukseni kanssa, oon nimittäin kuullut ja lukenut muutaman muunkin ihastuneen vöihin pienen tauon jälkeen taas uudelleen! Omasta kaapista löytyy tällä hetkellä vain tämä muutaman vuoden vanha länkkärityylinen vyö Asokselta, mutta myös super yksinkertaistetut mustat ja ruskeat nahkavyöt iskee tällä hetkellä. Näyttävämmistä, kunnon katseenvangitsijavöistä puolestaan Cult Gaialla on upea valikoima.
I went through quite a long period of time of not using belts at all, until recently I've discovered them again! A belt is a nice and easy way to accessorise an outfit, and add that missing little detail to it. Belts can also be used to add some more form and structure to dresses or jumpers, but lately I've been using one just in the traditional way. And I don't think I'm alone with this newly emerged belt enthusiasm since I've heard and read a few other people falling for belts again after a little break too! I've actually only got one in my wardrobe, that being this western styled belt from Asos that I bought a few years ago, but also super simplistic black and brown leather belts are something that I currently find very appealing and pleasing to the eye. When it comes to more show stopping and eye grabbing belts, Cult Gaia has some gorgeous ones.

Ellos coat (PR sample, last year) // F&F jumper (second hand) // H&M jeans // ASOS belt // ASOS necklace // Ecco shoes (PR sample)
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Another thing I've rediscovered recently is this faux fur leopard coat that made its first appearance of the season in this post from last week. However, unlike the belt this leopard coat is making a comeback after a bit shorter period of time, since I wore this a lot over last winter too. Funny to think about how a few years ago I couldn't have ever imagined dressing into anything leopard print since I found it a little grannyish-looking, whereas now it's my favourite print for sure and it's probably at least on a weekly basis when I'm wearing a leopard print item. When it comes to this exact coat, I'm not only loving the print but also how soft and surprisingly warm it is! Although it's not from the fluffiest end of spectrum when it comes to faux fur coats, this coat still keeps me surprisingly warm on these chilly autumn and winter days. And you can always put layers upon layers underneath! And as mentioned, this leopard coat is also super soft, and the outer surface feels like a cosy pillow. Although I'm generally speaking not a massive fan of winter, I do have to say that it has been quite nice to pull out all of my favourite more winter appropriate coats again. I love coats but hate winter, do you see my problem here?

Photography by Maria A., editing by Pinja K.
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