22 May 2020

My Studio Apartment in Helsinki

Perjantain kunniaksi se lupailemani asunnonesittelyvideo! Kuten videollakin totean, joitakin pieniä juttuja uusi koti vielä kaipaa, mutta pääasiassa tavarat on löytäneet kutakuinkin paikoilleen. Tosin kodin laittaminenhan on tunnetusti niitä juttuja, joissa ei koskaan tule kunnolla "valmista". Toivottavasti tykkäätte videosta, ja sen myötä ihanaa ja aurinkoista viikonloppua kaikille ♥︎

It's Friday and time for the flat tour video that I promised! As I say on the video too, there are still some little things that I would like to get into this new home of mine, but for the most part furniture and everything else have found their places. Then again, decorating is one of those things that will never be completely 'finished'. I hope you like the video, and with that I'm wishing you all a lovely weekend filled with sunshine ♥︎

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